In the last week I have been taking a regular look at the Independent - not buying it I hasten to add. The two most irritating columns were both written by Deborah Orr (pictured). The first was about Lily Allen and was in essence an exhortation for teenage girls (especially bohemian middle class ones who need to enhance their street cred) to take class A drugs. This included a few personal admissions that should lead to police visits, but won't.
And today's piece is titled "Open borders are the only alternative to the erection of a repressive fortress state". The title gives you a fair picture of the ensuing dribble. It covers five columns but her axe grind could be summed up more succinctly
"I know that the great majority would like UK borders to be controlled (yes - that's called democracy), but why should we try to stop people having what we have got? Let's allow people to keep coming until the UK is as miserable place as where they come from."
I was motivated to do some more digging and found more repugnant views. Whereas most people couldn't give a monkeys these days, she's still scratching the class system scab. In another piece by her in the Independent (titled “I’m fed up being called an anti-Semite,”) she described Israel as “shitty” and “little” no fewer than four times. Presumably another place that should open its borders!!! I hope she's on their blacklist.
Her anti-civilisation views are so bizarre, I am convinced she has had some massive trauma in her life. The saddest aspect is that her views pass for received wisdom in some Leftie media circles.

Why try to stop people taking drugs, because they will anyway? Why stop people crossing borders illegally, because they will anyway? Why try to stop terrorists because that will only make them angrier and they will blow us up anyway?
END OF RANT. Over to you.
She's married to Will Self, who is a (presumably self-hating) Jew and not unknown to narcotics.
It is always so easy for champagne socialists like her and the unspeakably evil (I don't use that lightly) Toynbee to engage in this kind of grandstanding, as they, of course, will never feel the impact of such ideas, remote from the rest of us in the eyries in N1, NW3 and SW4.
These Guardian and Independent types continue to spew hatred (and have done so since the beginning) and then refer to the Conservatives as "nasty." They should take a look in the mirror.
I still don't understand what strand of society she speaks for. I'm off to rattle a few cages to see if I can get anyone to come to this miserable woman's defence...
There's nothing to stop you coming to UK on a holiday and "overstaying". As long as you don't play by the rules, you, as an immigrant can do pretty much what you like.
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