Everyone can have an off day. When the normally delightful Cherie Blair got
doorstepped in her pyjamas , looking like she'd been pulled backwards through a hedge Labour's response was to spend £7,700 of Party funds on her hair. God knows how much they'll be budgeting this time based on the latest less-than-flattering photos over at
Guido's blog.

Czech women are famed for their beauty so you'd imagine that top politicians have the pick of the crop. Allow me to introduce you to the delectable Zuzana Paroubkova wife of leading Socialist Jiri Paroubek (Czech PM 2005-2006). Zuzana is known for her unswerving support for her husband and unlike Cherie has little interest in using her position. Earlier this year Zuzana caused a bit of a to-do with her statement that women don’t belong in politics (’ženy do politiky nepatří’). Her reason was that women have too many other concerns in their lives and they could not be sufficiently impartial! I'm finding this hard to write, but I've probably got a bit more respect for Cherie than Zuzana.
Meanwhile, back in the UK, Labour bloggers such as Adele Reynolds and Bob Piper have been trying to monster James Cleverly for the following fairly uncontroversial and more pertinently, probably empirically true remark - "I am not convinced women, especially mothers, are as willing as men to put their families into second place to fight an election."
Anyway, over to you.
Zuzane does not appear to be an inspiring role model for women in the Czech Republic, can you cite any examples of those that are?
In fact, your post has a similar theme to mine today about men being advised not to marry career women if they want to succeed and have a happy life (not my words)!
I have a new site by the way and am just back from hols, hope to make it to Prague one day.
Cherie Blair was doorstepped in her nightie, nine years ago. (1997)
Earlier this year (2006), she spent £7,700 of Labour Party funds on her hair.
You write: When "Cherie Blair got doorstepped in her pyjamas , looking like she'd been pulled backwards through a hedge Labour's response was to spend £7,700 of Party funds on her hair.)
Nine years later?
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