I note the arrival of a keen Conservative going by the name of
Istanbultory, who as you may have guessed is a Tory based in Turkey. As I don't know how long I'll be in Prague for, seeing this name snapped up filled me with a very mild panic. When I move on from Prague, I'd like to keep a somewhat memorable handle and hopefully one with a link to my current name. I was thinking of Transitory if I was of no fixed abode. Paristory sounds OK but I might need to change the brand if I move to the Slovak capital of Bratislava (try it). Maybe I'd go for perfunctory.
1. Done merely to carry out a duty; performed mechanically or routinely.
2. Lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent.
What would you choose if you decided to use the "tory" brand?
Update Istanbultory has started a blog. First impressions are highly favourable. Go
here to check it out.
In the German-speaking countries Bratislava is known as Pressburg, so I propose "Presstory" :)
I might yet be faced with the same problem, name-wise. A while back there was the prospect of moving in with then girlfriend, and I would not have fancied calling myself 'Swiss Cottager'...
Some other names for Bratislava: Posonium, Posonyi, Presporok
Lol Croydonian - Maida Valer wouldn't be much better would it?
1. Vow! Did you use Wikipedia or you're just another Slovak au-pair in the UK?
2. And what about "Big Cottage Cheese"? :)
Come on Croydonian, fess up. You're ironing and changing nappies when you're not blogging.
Peter - among my other vices I have a thing for maps, disputed borders, place name changes etc. I knew Posonyi / Pressburg were other names for Bratislava, but the others I had to dig up.
PT - I do a bit of ironing from time to time, but haven't changed a nappy since the split with she who would otherwise be Mrs C.
My blog has yet to be consummated but I am gratified by your recognition nonetheless.
I must confess to a distinct lack of imagination over the moniker of my future blog. Although istanbultory is fit for purpose, I am toying with the idea of Byzantiumtory as suggested by Mr. Croydonian. Not that the natives would take kindly to such an initiative.
Mr. Croydonian, you are not alone....
Istanbultory - great to have you visit. Your name and picture are excellent. I look forward to your blogging endeavours.
PT - he's one of my regulars. Look out for the GC posts, for that is he.
Aha - a cogent and lucid contributor.
Meanwhile, back at the plot, some others to avoid:
Desultory, dilatory, purgatory
Quite like gyratory, territory and predatory though.
(I used this as a short cut if anyone else fancies playing around with words ending -tory.
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