09 September 2006

Backing Blair

Anthony Blair has held firm and resisted calls from a minority of MPs within the Labour Party for him to name his departure date. Indeed why should he set the date? In May 2005 he received a clear mandate from the British electorate to serve a full term. The policies that he has attempted to implement (e.g. education reform) have been consistent with the 2005 election campaign although I acknowledge he has needed Tory support to get even small parts of this program through. Reading the resignation letters from party members eager for a new leader their motivations are entirely political rather than principled. As such I urge you to join me and sign the following petition to give support for Tony to go at a time of his choosing. I fully expect him to serve a full term. Don’t forget Labour’s achievements under TB as listed by Hazel Blears


Jock Coats said...

Of course, where you are, he wouldn't have that mandate. And nor should he in a civilised democracy...:)

Praguetory said...

Come again

Jock Coats said...

He would not have a "clear mandate" with 35% of the vote or whatever it was he got in any decent democratic system. They do have PR in the Czech Republic don't they?

Praguetory said...

Jock - sorry for being pedantic - I thought you meant that. In Czech, nobody has a clear mandate. Left and Right both got 100 seats.

Anonymous said...

I think the latest Brown row will make him even more determined to stay on, unless more MPs rally against him. We will have to wait and see what happens at the Labour Party conference, if he can survive that, I think he will hang on until next year.

Macko Usko said...

On Blair
Power corrupts, (near) Absolute power for such a long time corrupts absolutely..

Blair domestically has baan a bit of Zapatero, there has been a social letting hair down in some areas, but UK tends to be much less secular than it used to be.

Blair also seems to be a chaotic manager and be wasting quite alot of money.

Its the conservatives completely inability to come up with Cameron sooner that has kept Blair where he is. I as many others cannot stomach dinosaurs like Tebbit, who are heartless and have at times psychopathic indifference of the plight of the worse off in society.

The biggest failure is that instead of a quiet support of the US and more EU centric foreign policy, the recipes of the 90es are being applied when the circumstances have changed...

Brown seems to want to be Blair 2
the return of the exactly the same but now with a stronger scottish accent...

For slovak politics and other issues check http://robertfico.blogspot.com/