Of course, less than 10 months later he is signing a letter calling for Blair to resign.
Now he has put out an astonishingly ill-judged MyTube video with a sort of homeboy attack on Cameron. Hasn't he heard of the words "retake"?
Rather than crawling under a rock, here he is losing it on Sky. Reminded me of Kevin out of Harry Enfield or Sebastian out of Little Britain. Hat tip to Guido.
In Birimingham there are 44 Labour, 41 Conservatives and 33 Liberal councillors but the Parliamentary representation is 9 - 1 - 1 (yes, it is an emergency). This can't be because of the quality of the Labour MPs. We desperately need to ensure that Sion Simon remains active in the media. I want to see Edgbaston, Northfield and at least one other turn blue next time. Why not Erdington? Sion doesn't deserve to be called the Right Honourable member for anywhere.
The boy has form, doesn't he? For reasons unknown to mere mortals he was a byline at The Spectator a while back - I'd be nodding in agreement / snorting gently etc at some writer and then would come the bucket of ordure hurled at me in the form of a Simon column....
Sion Simon is on ITV claiming he speaks for the youth. I see on other blogs that there is a 23 year old Tory Councillor one would thing he is better placed to speak for the youth???
No youth uses or overuses the word egregrious. And yes, 23 year old Bobby Alden actually spends time doing things in Erdington ward.
in that case I hear the people of Erdington now "Bobby Alden for MP". I wonder if sion nows how to fight to win an election???
Everything about Sion Simon is ridiculous, his voice, his hair, his sudden switch from Blair ultra-loyalist to backstabber. This is a man who once wrote a column that was unironically titled "Blair in Shining Armour".
It used to be fun when Norman Tebbit would humiliate him in the letters pages of the Daily Telegraph and Spectator.
What an utter w*nker. We need to see him on TV every night, hopefully being shredded by Paxman.
As I said, what an utter, utter w*nker.
I don't think you'll find me disagreeing. The key message is that Sion Simon is NuLabour in totality when you scratch the surface. In other words he is wholly representative.
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