But my recent sojourns into the world of Lib-Dem blogs have been less edifying - in fact I can't be bothered any more. So I want to hear of other Lib Dems I might like. Please give a reason. I promise to peruse the recommendations and the best suggestion will definitely get a link (wow the baubles are so enticing). I hope nobody finds this find-a-decent-dem-blog search irritating. If so, just send me links to some terrible ones. I'm going to leave this open until Saturday morning.
Oh, so many to pick from. But how about:
Jonathan Calder's Liberal England - very readable
Forceful & Moderate. is stylishly produced. Although I don't always agree with it, it has changed my viewpoint on one or two issues.
Millennium Elephant looks daft at first sight, but is perceptive and often funny. Stick with it.
Inner West deals with some serious issues in a sober manner.
I'm sorry but Millennium Elephant falls at the first hurdle with this post. Go back to utopia, do not pass go, do not give prisoners £18,000 a year! I'll take a look at the others later.
What was it General Sheridan said about good Indians?
(not intended entirely seriously)
I am not one for perusing the blogosphere of Lib Dem evil doers. But there is one I occasionally take a glance at:
The author is often a bit on the dry side. Yet his ruminations can also be witty, perceptive and even informative. I am sure he wouldn't appreciate a recommendation from the likes of me. Istanbultory is now operative. Do drop by!
I've fallen in love with forceful or moderate almost immediately. It's really well written and chimes. Just need to sober up.
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