The suspension follows a Standards Board for England investigation into allegations that the councillor had breached the Code of Conduct by publishing material on his web page that was both party political in nature and also 'hateful and abusive' towards ethnic minorities.
Bob Piper, who gained notoriety nationally when he posted a mock election poster of a blacked-up David Cameron has
issued a statement about the incident on his blog. Further background to Bob's experience on such matters
This is appalling. Piper is not our favourite man but I think the big stick is quite uncalled for here. It can be dealt with on the net.
Congratulations on the juxtaposition libel, Praguetory...
And don't try to hide this, I've got the screenshot...
Seems to me the Tories are getting rattled, if not ratted, by the collapse of their fantasies of ever returning to power - under their own colours anyway.
Unity - Am I bovvered?
I dare say you aren't 'bovvered' but then you seem more concerned with playing the sanctimonious cunt than anything else.
However, you may want to Google your own name, see what comes up and then reflect on how that's going to look to any future prospective employers, let alone to your own party - why else do you think I made damn sure your post about George Osborne resurfaced.
Unity called somebody else a sanctimonious cunt! LMAO!
Never has there been a more sanctimonious cunt than you and Bob 'the cunt' Piper.
Labour cock suckers unite!
Unity, you don't have the money to sue, you're a Socialist.
oh...and Unity, you're a prissy little blog bully with control issues, as well-You're probably the type of cunt who'd leave notes on the fridge telling their flatmates to recycle. Leaving Implied (yet empty) legal threats on blogs in an attempt to shut down other peoples opinions show's why you're just like every other dick-free Socialist with low self-esteem; all you have to do is scratch at the skin a little and you'll find a Fascist underneath.
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