Councillor Martin Mullaney is the latest Cabinet member on Birmingham City Council. After having his arm twisted to throw his hat in the ring, he circulated the following pitch to his fellow Lib Dems and then won the overwhelming backing of the group
to overthrow Ray Halsall the incumbent Cabinet member for Leisure, Sport and Culture.
CLICK THE IMAGE TO ENLARGE I expect no reward for this public service, but I hope this gives other ordinary mortals an insight in how to woo a Lib Dem.
I've run this through OCR and copied most of the output below. I haven't verified it word-for-word. Feel free to copy it, delete it, as you wish. If you want the whole 4550 words, let me know.
... Let me assure you, if you vote me into this role, I promise to be more sensitive than I have been thus far. I understand that the position will demand that I take a long term strategic view, not only in relation to the portfolio but also based on the aspirations of the executive management team and other members. As such, I know I will have to become more of a ‘team player’, acutely aware of how the statements I make will significantly impact upon the group, other members and in turn the City.
It will be my mission to lift the veil of secrecy that currently dominates this portfolio and provide the group with clear information about my activities. Once a decision has been made I will be decisive in its execution. That being said, I will welcome scrutiny when it comes to assessing my actions. You can be sure that I will put the major issues on the table for group discussion and you will know at all times where I stand on any particular matter. In so doing you will be forewarned of any contentious issues that may be lurking around the corner. Indeed, you can be assured that I vill always be mindful of Parliamentary campaigns and will ensure that any bad news that could affect these campaigns will be nipped in the bud..
If you should decide to elect me, you can be sure that I will bring the following qualities to this job,
Listen to your concerns; if you e-mail or telephone, 1 will respond accordingly giving members of this group preference. I will endeavour to support you in your concerns as best as I possibly can within the confines of job.
Present my case; whether that be to the group, in the Council Chamber, Scrutiny or the media, in a clear structured and coherent manner. As with my Scrutiny role, I believe in preparation so that I am fully rehearsed in the event of any negative questioning.
Be open and transparent; I will make the group aware of the Council decisions and reports that may have some bearing on their ward or constituency. I do not like ‘hiding’ reports or refusing to answer questions from the press or public. [beliew this is against the principles of open government regularly espoused by the Liberal Democrat party. At the same time I will be minded of how I manage sensitive issues.
Keep you informed; of any contentious decisions and seek your advice. I will not keep you in the dark or ignore your expertise. Indeed, I firmly believe that all of us have areas of expertise, whether local community knowledge or on a particular subject (e.g., transportation); I firmly believe that this knowledge should be tapped into and I will do so.
Be consistent; I will debate issues in an open and honest manner. I will not say one thing one week and something completely different the next. Any critical questioning by external agencies will be met with clear decisive answers.
Be honest and not hold grudges; I refuse to hold grudges. There will be disagreements from time to time; that’s the nature of local politics. But I’m a believer in burying the hatchet and moving on.
Be realistic about my Performance; if I am having some difficulties with the job I will stand down if you are unhappy with my performance.
Show clear leadership; with firm direction based on the City’s strategic requirement and conversations with the group.
Be open to new and creative ideas; working more closely with our strategic partners to develop better value for the money the department spends including the ‘friends’ groups which I believe have been hitherto neglected.
Lay out a strategic plan; for the development of our parks, library’s and golf courses etc which will involve talking to members about specific needs and accessing alternative funding streams to make the necessary changes.
Fight harder: for the portfolio demanding more money from the central pot.
This mullaney chap sounds great - we need more politicians like him. I hope he won?
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